Hi everyone,
Time is flying by, amazing isn't it?
My Grandmother's 100th birthday would have been last Friday if she has lived that long, but I'm sure she is happier where she is, still miss her though.
The kittens are *not* behaving, but I do not expect them too at this age. Well Tigre is fine, Petyr is being a kitten. I have to get my laptop repaired because he fell off of it and took two keys with him. Poor Ed was determined to fix it but, alas, it was not to be.
At the moment Petyr is going nuts over a toy mouse. Amazing how real a toy mouse looks when the kitten is running around the house with it in it's mouth. Always good for a double take.
He had major kitten jealousy this am, that Tigre could get affection ALSO. He wanted both adults to himself.
On the positive side, I cleaned out a closet this weekend. It's been on my 'To Do list' for ages. Poor Osa left a good chunk of her hair behind. And I gave away the rollerblades I haven't used for 10 years. Just not enough room to keep things like that!
*Dreams of a house* which I will NOT clutter up.
For anyone who decides to be a professional first, then get married........ Or use your middle name for your first name, and then get married........................ If you think the work ends with the wedding, hah!!!
---- Signing off