Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Petyr's adventures

Our new kitten's name is Petyr (after much deliberation, and my husband deferring to me, he is so kind). Photos here of him being cute. He is so cuddly, though hassles the OLDER kitten a lot too. First vet appointment today.


wheezeybouncer said...

you've had a blog since JANUARY and you're just updating it NOW??????

rsc2287 said...

yeah well, planning a wedding, two jobs. I was a little busy!

babs said...

No kidding...

And the planning for the wedding totally paid off. Speaking as an impartial person who wasn't there and didn't have a lovely time or anything. :).

The kittens are totally cute, which is their purpose and benefit.

rsc2287 said...

Glad you enjoyed (umm didn't enjoy) the wedding and the kittens!